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    ♥ leerara-oh-lala
    Thursday, February 25, 2010 -{'9:54 PM
    pls. follow me on tumblr :)

    click here
    thanks! :)


    ♥ my personalized cut Geuk Suk GIFs
    Monday, February 22, 2010 -{'3:49 PM
    here are some of my JGS and YAB moment gif

    weeee! soo soo love him :)

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    ♥ JGS shirtee
    Thursday, February 11, 2010 -{'7:28 PM

    weeee :) my JGS/HTK shirt ^_^ i really love it! ^_^ will post ANJELL shirt soon ^_^
    papagawa pa ko.. hehehe :) hahaha.. excited na ko :P

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    ♥ somewhere in silence and darkness
    -{'5:56 PM

    last night while i was listening to his songs, watching his videos, looking at his pictures, tears fell from my eyes, i unconsciously cried. :'(

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    ♥ OMG! Jang Geun Suk: The original Goo Jun Pyo?!
    Saturday, February 6, 2010 -{'6:10 PM

    Jang Geun Suk: The Original Goo Joon Pyo?
    by shockimpulse on December 22, 2009 @ 9:36 PM (EST)

    On the latest episode of KBS Shin Dong-yup and Shin Bong-sun’s Champagne, it was revealed that Jang Geun Suk turned down an offer to play the rich meanie Goo Joon Pyo in the hit drama series Boys Over Flowers!

    Jang Geun Suk explained that, as he was looking at potential projects, the two dramas that really caught his eye were Beethoven Virus and Boys Over Flowers. He wanted to do both but felt that Beethoven Virus had more to offer as a learning experience since many senior actors would be appearing on the show. With that in mind, he got a role in Beethoven Virus, and the role of Goo Joon Pyo eventually went to Lee Minho.

    Jang Geun Suk seems to have no regrets, and said that Lee Minho portrayed the character well and that, if Jang Geun Suk had taken on the role, it might not have been as good. Perhaps Jang saw the success of Boys Over Flowers and decided to make it up by starring in You’re Beautiful, another show with a large teen fan base.

    Do you think Jang Geun Suk would have made a better Goo Joon Pyo? Or was Lee Minho the best choice? Conversation starts at 8:20.

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    ♥ spot me on wordpress dot com
    Tuesday, February 2, 2010 -{'1:02 AM
    hi guys! got a new blog at wordpress ;)

    m'still figuring things over there.
    and still dunno how to customize and how to use their blog themes thingy.

    should you wish to visit my new blog site,
    here's the linky:

    RaRa-oh-LaLa wordpress :)

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    ♥ too good to be true? (written somewhere in november 2009)
    Friday, January 29, 2010 -{'6:49 PM
    share lang.. :) flying thoughts lang.. hahahha..

    Why is it true love only exist inside a world where everything seems so perfect? An imaginary world where only fairy tales come true, full of life and colourful. And this is the world where only we can find the famous ending line in every books we've read "..and they live happily ever after.". Does that word really exist in this real world? Or all good things that happen could only apply or exist inside the fictional world.

    Fiction, too good to be true. As I've observed compared to this cruel world to the non-existent world of Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White or the beyond imagination love story of a vampire and a mortal, Edward and Bella, love stories soo perfect as theirs isn't real. Love in the real world has expiration dates, though you can't tell when, where and how it will end, but still the bottom line of it: people fall out of love whether they like it or not but the truth is it leaves them no choice. Or is there? People change and that is the bitter - sweet truth.

    True love, too good to be true. I've seen it come and go, how common friends turned into lovers and from lovers never became friends again. People always dreamt of themselves to be the love story of another. They always compare the love they had to those fairy tales or search for their unrequited love that way, always setting their own criterion hoping they could also find their own Edward Cullen, Shen Ruo He, so Yi Jeung. A prince charming or a beautiful princess of their own.

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  • Blogger.

  • ♥
    *i am rachelle.
    *a self-confessed full-time dreamer.(dreamer in a sense of ambition, yeah most of the time i always caught myself day-dreaming.. hehehe)
    *part time writer on my own.(a frustrated writer, i say)
    *love to eat but dunno how to cook.(who does not love food right?)
    *i only read books that i like. (yeah, im up to chick flick thingy. i know sounds cheesy but what can i do, that makes me being ME :] )
    *KPop addicted.(though i only understand a few Hangul words and i don't really understand what they're singing, i just simply love it)
    *impulsive with a touch of stupidity in some ways.(no comment on this one :] ).

  • Loveeees.
  • my loveees


  • Craps.

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  • Raves and Rants.
  • I love
    ♥Edward Anthony Masen Cullen => he's just soo drop - dead gorgeous.. don't care if he'll try to bite me :]
    ♥Lee MinHO and Jang Geun Suk => a living Adonis. OMG! m'soo head over heel to this Korean hunkie *blush*
    ♥writing => maybe my grammar sucks but that wont stop me from writing whatever i like.
    ♥yellow and purple => i just found it cute
    ♥MacBook => wish to have this one day :]
    ♥chocolates => i have a sweet tooth ^_^ just can't get enough, sorry :P
    ♥blueberry cheesecakes => yummy yum yum! there's a taste of heaven in every bite
    ♥net surfing => count me in ;] 100% netizen..
    ♥blackberry,corby,haptic pop => qwerty phones ^_^ i'll have you, soon you're all in my hands.. hehehe..:D
    Mbr> I hate