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    ♥ [fanfic] Special A - Unbelievable Sequel Chapter 4 part 2
    Thursday, October 15, 2009 -{'10:30 PM
    /* Ta-da! :) Just like my readers, I’m also excited what’s gonna happen next. Hehehe. What will be the the role of Jin Yamada to our KeiKari couple? Pls. R&R. thanks a lot! /*


    Mistaken. Confused Part 2


    “Takishima?” she asked curiously looking at him. “Who’s the girl are you hugging?”

    Kei got puzzled and turned around and sees Hikari.

    ‘Then who’s this?’ he thought to himself and unwrapped his self to the mistaken girl.


    Hikari was sitting silently on the plane, her thoughts were flying like the jet plane they were riding, and she hasn’t said a word to Kei after the incident at the festival. She’s in a very deep contemplation, it was very unusual to his boyfriend to be careless in that manner, though she can’t blame him because the girl really resembles most of her features. Though the scene that what she saw really bothers her a lot, Hikari just let it go with a big sigh.

    On the other hand, Kei, who’s only few sits away from her girlfriend just silently looking at her, as if he’s making a way to enter her thoughts.

    For the whole 11 hours and 47 minutes, none of them sleep well inside the plane. They get their luggage and Kei sent Hikari to her house. Kei carry his girlfriend’s bag inside her home, he’s waiting for her to say a word but she didn’t. And this made him start to worry.

    “Is there’s something bothering you, Hikari?” he asks in a worry tone. And this made her snap from her cogitation.

    “Ha-hai. I’m alright, nothing to worry. He-he-he.” She laughed of nervously, trying to hide her musings.

    He knows she’s avoiding the question and doesn’t want him to worry, so he let it go. Kei kissed Hikari’s forehead and hugged her before he leaves.


    “Hikari!” Akira embraced her with joy as she welcomes back her friend from her 2 – day fieldtrip with Kei. “I’m just so glad you’re back and safe. I’m so worried that something might happen to you with that monster Kei.” (Anime style) River – tears flow in Akira’s eyes while patting Hikari’s head.

    “Good to see you around Hikari. At last, the devil woman will stop hitting me like crazy because I didn’t do anything to stop my mom from allowing you and Kei to have a trip alone.” Tadashi butted – in, as usual, he looks badly beaten up by Akira again.

    “I’m okey, you don’t need to worry.” Hikari smiled. “It was a nice trip in Venice ---”

    But before she could finished what she was saying, Kei arrived, as usual he sits from his usual chair beside her and he flashed Hikari a sweet smile as if greeting her a ‘Good morning’. But she didn’t respond to his gestures, and this shocked him. Hikari’s expression after the festival changed.

    He dropped a sigh. ‘I wonder what she’s really thinking. I hoped she isn’t mad about the other day with that girl. No, she’s not like that.’ He’s fighting what his thinking, again, he dropped another sigh and opened his laptop.

    “Hey Kei, how’s the trip? Did you enjoy yourselves in Venice?” asked Ryuu. Knowing the both of them it seems like, something not good happened.

    “Yes. Thanks for asking.” he gave a cold reply, his eyes pinned on what he is typing on his portable computer.

    “Lover’s quarrel, perhaps?” Megumi wrote on her sketch pad, worry flashed on her face.

    “No. We’re alright.” Hikari said defensively. Of course, she didn’t want them to worry especially Akira and Finn if they found out that she saw Kei hugging another girl for he thought it was her. Though it’s true but it would still be a lame excuse.

    “Is that so? If ever you want someone to talk to, we’re just here Hikari – chan.” Jun smiled to Hikari.


    Hikari while walking.

    ‘What am I really thinking?! Am I jealous? I know, he happens to hug her by accident but why isit always gives me a pain insiden whenever I remember it. Darn!’ she stopped. She bumped into someone, and to her surprise it was Kei. Her eyes widened, for she didn’t expect it is Kei.



    Before he could start to ask questions to her, she ran – off. But Kei is just too quick to stop her, and grabbed her wrist.

    “Hikari wait.” His heart began to thud fast. Yes, but not in the way it thuds whenever they have an intimate moments together, it is different this time. “I don’t know what exactly what you are thinking. You haven’t said a word to me after the festival until we arrived here in Japan, if there’s something bothering you or if I did something that disgusts you, I want to know what it is.”

    “I – Takishima, I—“she can’t utter a word.

    “Please Hikari.” He begged her. He hates himself whenever she’s like this. “If there is something I’ve done wrong please, I beg you, tell me. I want to know my fault to that I could say sorry.”

    “Takishima, you don’t need to beg and for you to say sorry. I am the problem here. Acting and feeling weird things, I – “

    “Look, Hikari, if the girl on the festival is what you’ve been thinking and the reason why you’re acting so weird, I’m sorry. I know it is very unusual and embarrassing for me to do a lame mistake like that, but I swear, it was an accident. I’m sorry Hikari.” He’s now losing his coolness. Well, he doesn’t care anymore if he looks pathetic and lose his perfect pretense, only matters to him now is to settle this issue with the most important girl.

    “I’m sorry too –” Her face became red, fighting the timidity she is feeling. She hid her face under her dark blue locks. “I’m sorry I made you worry again because of my stupidity. I just get, get –“


    “Uhmmm.” She hesitated to answer. “I think so. It’s just that, I’m not used of seeing you so much close with other girl, I mean, physically or anything beyond than that.”

    His eyes turned wide, he just can’t believe on what she just said. He smirked, pulled her and hugged her tightly. “Honestly, people like you – “for Kei, it is Hikari’s subconscious way of saying ‘You’re mine.’ Hearing those from the girl he loved the most is getting again the feeling of falling in love with her for the ‘n’th time. Only this girl has the only power to knock him off to his feet.She hugged him back too. She, also, can’t believe that she just said that. They just both smiled, still hugging while the sun perfectly sets.


    “Young miss, your father wants to talk to you. He said he’ll meet you at the conference room in five minutes.” Said the Yamada Corp. Executive Secretary.

    “Okey. I’ll be there, just a second Secretary Chan.” Shriek the girl still inside the limousine.
    She hurriedly fix her long dark blue hair and and get outside the car and proceed to the conference room. She came close to the room’s window, looking down the busy street, watching the swift movements of the cars passing. Then a man cleared his throat, and this made her turn around. She smiled upon seeing a man in her early forties, approaching her.

    “Welcome back my darling.” He greeted her and gave the girl a warm hug.

    “It’s nice to see you again President Yamada.”

    “Nah – Is that the proper way how to greet your daddy?” Ozuru Yamada smirked to his daughter. “I missed you Jin.”

    “I missed you too dad.” she faced her father. “I’ve met him there dad, it was unexpected but I’ve met him there” she told her father, blushing.

    “Who? The son of Takishima?”

    “Yes. Kei – kun.”

    To be continued…

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    ♥ [fanfic] Special A - Unbelievable Sequel Chapter 4 part 1
    -{'10:19 PM
    */I’m back. So, what do you think will happen next? How long do you think Kei can restrain his self? Hmmm, I’ve always been thinking ‘bout this, I can’t really see the point why men, in general, needs this kind of love, I’m talking about their perverted side. Well, anyway, I can’t blame them but I just don’t really understand it. Can’t they be in a relationship without being like that? That’s what we’re going to find out next on the succeeding chapters, can Kei really wait? :) /*


    Mistaken. Confused Part 1

    It’s a wonderful day, the sun is shining brightly in the lovely streets of Venice. Lovers are everywhere, smooching here and there, holding hands, full of inseparable couples. The striking ray of sunlight touched the soft skin of Hikari, lying very still on the bed. As the warmth of the sun continuously touched her, she toss a bit trying to escape the heat, this make the man beside him to wake up. He opened his eyes and takes a look to the girl lying beside him and a smile flashed on his gorgeous face. He’s enjoying every bit of her sleeping, she’s just look like a sweet child, innocently sleeping in his arms. He touched her face back and forth, this made her smile but still asleep. Then he gently placed his soft lips to her forehead, this made the girl wake up and opened her eyes.

    “Good morning Takishima.” She whispers enough for him to hear her.

    “Buongiorno Hikari. Did you sleep well?” he asked, hi lips still on her forehead.

    “Uh-huh. How about you, did you sleep alright?”

    “Not much.” He cracks a joke. “You've been sleeping like the dead, if it weren't for the snoring, I'd worry you were slipping into a coma."

    Hikari pouted her lips, and then slap his biceps.

    “Since when did I snored?!” still pouting her lips ‘Damn it! Am I really snoring?!’ she thought to herself.

    “Just kidding, Ms. Rank Number 2” he said chuckling.

    She stood up and grabs a pillow and hit him multiple times. She keeps on hitting him and starts to laugh, he then, also grab a pillow and return the hits to her. They’re like little kids having pillow fights and this made the whole bed and their hair covered with feathers, this made them laugh at themselves.


    After eating breakfast, they already went to stroll around the romantic city. Just like any other tourist they went in and out to every store, interesting landmarks, and even rode a boat to experience some lagoon and canals exploring. Kei planned this very well, he knew that the Venetian Carnival or Mask Festival would take place that day, he knew Hikari will enjoy since she likes festivals.

    Since it’s a mask festival, Kei and Hikari brought a mask to wear. Kei wore silver Bauta mask covering his forehead to the nose and his cheeks. On the other hand Hikari the same Bauta like Kei’s but her mask is colored gold.

    While on in the crowd, Kei got lost of Hikari’s hand, he turned to his left then to his right but find no sight of her. Though he knows the very features of her, he can’t tell exactly which is which because all of them are wearing mask. He searched sharply looking for the girl with long dark blue hair wearing gold Bauta mask. After 5 minutes of quick searching, he saw a girl with la long dark blue hair standing near a booth, he grabbed the girl’s arms and hugged her from the back.

    “I’d lost you there for a while.” He sighed with relief. “Good thing you’re fine.”

    The girl made no move for she got shocked. She speak no word. Silence covered them. But after a few moments, someone spoke from behind.

    “Takishima?” she asked curiously looking at him. “Who’s the girl are you hugging?”

    Kei got puzzled and turned around and sees Hikari.

    ‘Then who’s this?’ he thought to himself and unwrapped his self to the mistaken girl.

    The girl turns around, just like Hikari, she has long dark blue hair, her dress closely resemble to Hikari’s dress. And what shocked him the most, the stranger girl got a resemblance of his girlfriend. No wonder he thought of her as Hikari.

    “My apologies, I thought you’re my girlfriend. I never mean to hug you in any means. It was an accident.” He explained.

    “Uhmm, it’s ok. No need for apology.” The girl smirked as she faced Kei. “My name is Jin Yamada. And you are?” she blushed as she ask for his name.

    “Kei Takishima. And this is my girlfriend, Hikari.”

    She was dumbstruck when she heard Kei’s surname. ‘Takishima.’ she thought.

    “By chances, are you related to the Takishima Group in Japan and in London?” Jin curiosly asked.

    “Yes, it is owned by my family. May I know, why you sudden asked about it?”

    “Uhmmm. Nothing much, it’s just that your family is really famous in Japan. Hehehe.” she laughed nervously.


    /*I have to cut it for now. :) Sorry guys, this part sucks and lame. But I hope you’ll like this chapter, so there’s the new character, Jin Yamada. I wonder what would be her role in Kei and Hikari life and to the rest of the SA. Pls. R&R! Thanks a lot! Mwah!/*

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    ♥ [fanfic] Special A - Unbelievable Sequel Chapter 3
    Monday, October 12, 2009 -{'12:02 AM
    /*whew! T’was a busy week for me, uhmm, well, kinda busy xD. So, ok, here’s my chapter 3, actually im not really sure where they’re really going, hmmm. Maybe I’ll figure it out while writing this chap ^^, I kinda like impromptu. /*
    DISCLAIMER: Not mine. Just for fanfiction purposes only. ^^

    Alone. Love

    Since Hikari lost AGAIN, this leaves her no choice but to give Kei whatever he wants. He prepared a trip just for the two of them, but Hikari has really no idea where would go, every time she’s going to ask him about their destination he’ll just answer her with his charming smile.

    As they reach the airport, they boarded a private jet plane owned by the Takishima Group. Hikari was shocked when she knew it was Kei’s family owns the said plane. The night before the results Kei called Aoi in London to ask his grandfather to let him borrow the private jet for two days, since Hikari was the one who helped Kei’s mom Midori and her father (Kei’s grandpa) reconciled, it was granted right away.

    “Really, I can’t believe your grandfather connived with you.” She hissed while pouting her lips. ‘He just does whatever he wants’ she said at the back of her mind.

    Hikari is just so irresistibly charming and cute that Kei just can’t help himself but to chuckle and blush at the same time. He still can’t believe that this simple commoner girl made the heir of the Takishima Group be head over heels for her.

    After 11 hours and 47 minutes, 5,121 nautical miles of travel from Japan, finally they now arrived to their destination place. Hikari woke from her sleep because of a foreign greeting she heard to the plane captain, still her head resting on Kei’s broad perfect shoulders, while Kei’s head also leaning to her head and his other hand wrapped around her slender waist.

    “Buonasera Hikari.” He said with a smile and kissed her forehead.

    Hearing him say a foreign greeting, this make think for a while, giving him a look of confusion. Then she snapped.

    “Whaa—Ta-ta-takishima don’t tell me we’re in..” before she could finish her sentence, he already gave him an answer.

    “Si, Hikari. We are in Italy, in Venice to be exact.”

    Her eyes widened in shock. Counting on her fingers how many hours they’ve travelled, she’d been sleeping inside the plane, and the miles from their homeland from here. Getting panicky, she twist and turn on her sit thinking what will gonna happen to their 2 day “field trip”.

    “How about the classes? Do our teachers know that we’re off the country?” she curiosly asked, still panicky.

    “I’ve arranged everything before we leave. Don’t worry Hikari, I know you’ve been stressed these past few weeks, and so am I taking care of our family business. Let’s just call this a treat for being very busy lately.” He grinned.

    “You got a point there. So, where are we going to stay?”

    “My grandfather has a vacation house here. Since he’s the one who offered the house, I accepted it. Besides he still thinks he owes you a lot, you know what I mean, about him and my mother.” he explained as he pets her hair.

    As they get off the private jet, there’s a car waiting for them at the tarmac. The chauffer was instructed by Kei’s grandfather to fetch them and drive them to the vacation house.

    ‘This would be a nice fieldtrip’ they both thought.

    It’s been a one and a half drive from the airport, Hikari was so amazed as they entered the fancy house of Kei’s grandfather. It looks simple yet very elegant, there are lots of porcelain vases and a very luscious garden with a beautiful fountain and an aviary housing colorful pigeons.

    “This is a very nice place. I can’t believe a man like your grandfather could have a beautiful house like this. I mean, it’s so girlish type of house and it reminds me of something.” She said fidgety, hoping Kei would not get the wrong idea.

    He chuckled, seeing Hikari at that kind of manner, being fidgety. “Well, this house is made for my late grandmother. This is the twin house in Australia, my grandmother’s house.”

    “I see. Now I remember.”

    “Good evening master Kei. “said the lean tall man. “I am the butler of the house, your grandfather called me last night and said that you were coming with a guest. We already prepared your rooms upstairs. If there’s anything that you need, just tell me.” He continues.

    “Thank you very much.” Kei replied politely. “Is the dinner ready?”

    “Yes master. You may proceed to the dining table anytime you want.”

    Hikari didn’t say a word, she just gave the butler a smile as a thank you.

    Kei and Hikari ate their dinner, then after they went to the garden and sit at the fountain. No one said a word, they’re happily listening to the sound of the water coming out of the fountain while looking at the stars up in the sky. The night in Venice is very romantic, they could tell that.
    Now, both of them are looking at each other’s eyes, as if talking to each other’s gaze.

    “Are you enjoying the night Takishima?” Hikari broke the silence.

    “Of course, I am with my Hikari, definitely I’m enjoying.” He said lovingly.

    She blushed. Silence covered the both of them again. But after few minutes, Kei thought of something interesting in his mind and throws an ice breaker.

    “Wanna have fun tonight Hikari?” he asked teasingly as he comes closer to her face.

    “Wha—what’s with that sudden question?” she pulls herself away.

    “Uhmmm. Nothing much, since we’re in this kind of romantic place, isn’t a good time to have some ‘fun’?” he continue to tease her and his face is much closer to her as if he’s trying to kiss her.

    She keeps pulling away whenever he gets near her blushing face. But he’s just so unrelenting that he keeps on getting closer to her. He just loves this kind of scene between him and Hikari.

    “Cut it off Takishima!” she hissed. “And it’s getting late already.”

    “What are you saying? It’s just 8:00 in the evening, it’s still early to go to bed. But if you insists I can accompany you to your room and have fun there.” He asks, still teasing her.

    She blushes even more. ‘Damn it! What is this guy really wants?’ she murmurs to herself but he heard it.

    “A kiss from you will do.”

    “What?!” ‘This guy has devil’s ears’

    “You asked what I want, then I want a kiss from my girlfriend.” He grinned.

    “So that’s what you really wanted?” she pouts her lips. She’s hesitant but agrees to give what he wants since she realize she lost to their challenge so she have to do whatever he wants.
    “Ok, close your eyes first.”

    He closes his eyes, waiting for her lips to touch his. Then after a while, he can feel her warm breath on his face. Their faces are only a millimeter away from each other, then their foreheads touch, then their noses. Their lips are about to touch when suddenly they heard something on the bushes. They pulled away from each other, both blushing and feeling a little awkward because of their almost kiss. They saw a pigeon on the bushes. They thought it’s just a stray pigeon, coz there are lots of it in Italy.

    ‘Damn it!’ he thought.

    ‘Almost there.’ she said on her mind.

    “I think we should go up and rest. It’s been a long travel for us and we need enough sleep for tomorrow.” Hikari said in a tone that she’s not in the mood anymore to continue the kiss.

    “I guess you’re right. “ he agreed.

    Then Kei accompany Hikari up to her room’s door. Her room is just beside his, so anytime he needs anything or if something happens he just a wall away.

    “Goodnight Takishima.”

    “Goodnight too Hikari.” Then he kissed her forehead.

    He waited until she’s inside the room then goes to his room. For no reason, both of them can’t sleep well. They toss and turn into their own beds and releasing heavy sighs. Hikari can’t take it anymore, she jumped out of her bed and walk out of the room. To her surprise, Kei was also there.

    “Can’t sleep?” both asked.

    They laughed quietly for the both of them can’t really sleep well. They went to the kitchen to see if there’s something to drink to let them sleep. They found an unopened carton of milk and pour it into their glasses.

    “Isn’t weird we both can’t sleep. I wonder why?” she asked curiously.

    “Maybe because we’re both thinking of each other that’s why.” He teased.

    Hikari pouted her lips.

    Kei noticed Hikari’s pajamas. He smiled because he bought it a day before they leave. It fits her very much, as if it is really made for her. He can see her slender womanly curves, this made him blush so he hid his face under his locks he took a deep breath.

    ’Restrain yourself. You can do it. Retrain, restrain.’

    On the other hand, Hikari was dropped jaw on Kei, he only wore a white fitted tee that makes it show his perfect masculine body and a blue stripe sleeping pants. By the way she sees his skin, even without touching it she can tell its smoothness, very flawless. She too blushed and hid her face.

    Kei was about to grab his glass when the back of his hand touched accidentally Hikari’s hand, both of their gazes met. This made a current flow from his body up to his spine. He gulped, his heart suddenly thumps fast. Hikari felt the same way.

    He slowly moves closer, step by step. He puts his hand to her neck and the other to her waist. Their heart beats pound more as if it’s going to jump out of their chest. He let his forehead touched hers and makes it tilt her head upward and make their nose touched too. They can now both feel each other’s sweet breath. Finally, his lips met hers, they kissed tenderly. They kiss to the extent that they were both wheezing. She pulls herself to him and he pulls himself to her too. He gently pressed her against the kitchen counter and kissed more. Hikari and Kei were both out of breath that it makes them made soft moans and sighs.

    Her hands are slowly moving, she placed her arms round his neck then placed it to the both sides of his face to make him kiss her hard. Her hands are moving again, this time to his chest, she can feel Kei’s perfect body. Touching his amazing body for the very first time makes him giggle. Kei noticed this so he broke the kiss.

    “Why you’re giggling?” he curiously asked his chin resting on her forehead, he is hugging her tightly.

    “I’m not.” She lied but she can feel that her face is red. She giggle a little enough for him to notice.

    “You are. I know you and you know you can’t lie to me.” He kissed her again to her forehead, nose, lips and down to her neck. Now it’s his playful hands turn, both of his hands are touching Hikari’s side. She can’t take it anymore, she gives a soft chuckle, well what can she do, that’s her weak part. When Kei heard her chuckle, another twist of current blows again his body and his body temperature raises more and so is she.

    Both of them can’t take it anymore, Kei carried Hikari upstairs, due to the intense passion they’re both feeling, they didn’t notice they’ve entered the wrong door, good thing no one owns the room and it was another guest room. The both of them are still kissing and at the same time panting. They were kissing like crazy, as if it is their first time to experience their first kiss.

    No one wants to break the kiss, Kei unbuttoned Hikari’s upper pajama and this makes him see her brassiere. She blushed but she doesn’t mind now, she’s out of her right state of mind just like Kei who can’t restrain himself anymore. She lifts off his tee and this leave him now half naked. She can feel his warm body and so is he, they’re both enjoying the warmth of each other. Both stopped kissing, they just stare and caress each other.

    “Takishima, I – i--,” before she could say another word, he pressed his finger to her lips.

    “Shhh. I’m sorry Hikari, I wont do that to you.” He paused for a while. “I just can’t restrain myself whenever I’m with you, you’re just too perfect and you’re intoxicatingly beautiful.” He continues and gave her a gentle smile.

    “Shouldn’t I be the one to apologize instead of you? I mean, I’m your girlfriend but I just can’t give you yet what you need. I’m sorry.”

    “You know that I can always wait.”

    Both of them smiled at each other. He pulled her closer hugging her tightly but gently. They just stared at each other, once again locked by each other’s gaze.

    /*ok ok. Another chapter has ended again. For the 2nd time writing this one took me 4 hours. Hehehe. New record to beat. So what can you say about the chap? Hope you like it guys, I tried my very best writing their “love scene” well, I’m not really good at this. I suck in story writing. Hehehe. Sorry for this. Pls. R&R. thanks! Mwah!/*

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    ♥ [fanfic] Special A - Unbelievable Sequel Chapter 2 Part 2
    Monday, October 5, 2009 -{'7:54 PM
    /*Sorry to keep you all waiting :) actually I’ve been thinking what will gonna happen to this part and to the succeeding chapters. Hehehe, I’m still having a hard time how to narrate the story and on how will I make the readers be on the character’s shoes’, hehehe. So, here it is the part 2 of my 2nd chapter./*


    Thoughts. Endless

    “Nooooooo!!!!!” a voice roared all over the school and caught the students’ attention while checking the results of the recent quarterly exams.

    Hakusenkan Quarterly Examination Results
    Special A Class

    Rank Math Science History Language
    1. TAKISHIMA, Kei 100+5 100+5 100+5 100+5 100+5
    2. HANAZONO, Hikari 100 100 100100 100
    - Same ranking follows-

    Of course being the usual her, still in – shock, drop jaw looking at the announcement board.
    ‘Why?! Why I can’t beat Takishima, darn!’ she asks herself. Her aura becomes dark, and murmuring words that cannot be understand by anyone whose there. Her face is full red just like a boiling kettle ready to explode anytime.

    ‘Shit! Now, I’m once again defeated by him looks like I’m gon—“ before she could finish what her mind was saying a hot breath touched her left ear, and to her surprise he saw the unbeatable rank number 1, her beloved and rival, Kei Takishima.

    “Congratulations, my beautiful number 2.” Kei greeted her sarcastically but with a bright smile on his handsome face. “Looks like, would be good this day. Remember the challenge that you’ve given me?” he looks at her still smiling.

    “Yeah, I know, you don’t have to remind me.” she said in reply pouting lips, as she accept her defeat.

    ‘Well, no matter what I do, I just can’t defeat my one and only rival. But still, why I am loving the feeling always being defeated by him?’ curiously asking herself again. ‘Maybe I just love him so much to the extent that I don’t care anymore if I’ll be number 1 or not. For now, my goal is to be forever his number 1’ now she smiles.

    “So, you’re the winner what’s your order?” asking him curiously.

    “You’ll find out later.” he answered, and then he gave her a quick smooch on the cheek.


    At the greenhouse, the 5 members of the SA including Finn are having their tea time. Unusual, Akira serving a very special tea and sandwiches makes the other wonder (except Tadashi, because he is busy eating [always]) what the occasion is.

    “Hey, Akira what’s with the special tea and sandwiches?” Ryuu asked curiously.

    “It’s so surprising that Akira serves this kind of food, especially if Hikari is not around yet.” wrote Megumi on her sketchpad.

    “Werl, itsh mew jend cha jevil mwoman’s wannivw--” Tadashi answered happily while enjoying his very delicious food made by her girlfriend.

    Before he could finish his sentence, Akira grabs a tray and throws it to Tadashi’s face. (Well, this isn’t a new scenario for them.)

    “Yeah Akira, this is kinda new.” Jun smiled.

    “What’s the occasion? Is it your birthday today?” Finn asked.

    Akira blushing and fidgety answers “Uhmmm. Actually--”

    “It’s our special day today.” Tadashi continued since Akira can’t say it and wrapped his right arm around her shoulder smirking.

    “So that explains it :)” Megumi wrote with a smile. And the four congratulate them and eat happily.

    Meanwhile, Akira hasn’t seen Hikari and Kei yet so she starts asking her companions.
    “By the way, I remember, where would be my angel Hikari go? I haven’t seen her yet since this morning.”

    “Me too, but I think we all know who she’s with right now.” Finn sighed.

    “Hikari lost to their challenge so I bet Kei is really having fun today.” Ryuu added while patting Finn’s shoulder and looks at Akira telling them not to worry.


    “Takishima, aren’t you going to tell me your answer?”

    “You really wanna know?” Kei look at her teasingly.

    “Of course I want to know, so that I’ll be ready. You know, since I’m the one who challenged you but unfortunately I lost, so that’s why I want to know.” she explained shyly.

    Kei just smiled at her. He grabs her hand and led the way to the gate of the school. Hikari was shocked and blushing, wondering where they would be going. All of the students were staring at them enviously. They really look good together, like a pair made in heaven. Every girl wants to be Hikari and every boy wants to be Kei.

    “Looks like everybody is very envious of you and me.” Kei smirks as he looks to Hikari and winks at her. This made her blush even more then smiles back.

    ‘Of all the girls, I’m his number 1. Of all the rich, famous, beautiful girls that drool over this man, I am the one he loves.’ she told herself terribly blushing and she’s controlling herself not to chuckle.

    ‘I’m just way to lucky to have the best of both worlds.’ he thought as he leads the way out the school premises. ‘Well, I don’t mind being rich and famous as long as I’m with the one who can only moves and make my cold heart warm. She’s all I need. She’s all I’ll love.’

    They keep on walking till Kei stopped. Hikari was shocked when she saw where they were standing.

    “Wait for me here.” he said smiling as he turns to face her.

    “Wha—what?! But this is your house! How come--?!” her eyes widened still shocked but before she could react more Kei spoke.

    “I won the challenge, right?” he asked sarcastically.

    “Yes you won, you don’t have to remind me. What I am asking is why we were here in your place?!”

    “I’ll just get my car, we’ll be having a two - day field trip today.”

    “TWO – DAY FIELD TRIP?!?!” she faintly shouted.

    “I knew I was going to win, so I planned this as my prize to your challenge. You’ll know soon where we’re going, I’ve already talked to the principal and submit our excuse letters and asked permission to your parents” he grinned.


    To be continued…

    /* Ok, this is the end of my chapter. It’s pretty long and it took me hours to finish this part. I’ll be updating this fanfic maybe next week after our final exam. By the way, sorry for some grammatical errors. And don’t forget to drop your constructive reviews after! Thanks a lot! /*

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  • ♥
    *i am rachelle.
    *a self-confessed full-time dreamer.(dreamer in a sense of ambition, yeah most of the time i always caught myself day-dreaming.. hehehe)
    *part time writer on my own.(a frustrated writer, i say)
    *love to eat but dunno how to cook.(who does not love food right?)
    *i only read books that i like. (yeah, im up to chick flick thingy. i know sounds cheesy but what can i do, that makes me being ME :] )
    *KPop addicted.(though i only understand a few Hangul words and i don't really understand what they're singing, i just simply love it)
    *impulsive with a touch of stupidity in some ways.(no comment on this one :] ).

  • Loveeees.
  • my loveees


  • Craps.

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  • Raves and Rants.
  • I love
    ♥Edward Anthony Masen Cullen => he's just soo drop - dead gorgeous.. don't care if he'll try to bite me :]
    ♥Lee MinHO and Jang Geun Suk => a living Adonis. OMG! m'soo head over heel to this Korean hunkie *blush*
    ♥writing => maybe my grammar sucks but that wont stop me from writing whatever i like.
    ♥yellow and purple => i just found it cute
    ♥MacBook => wish to have this one day :]
    ♥chocolates => i have a sweet tooth ^_^ just can't get enough, sorry :P
    ♥blueberry cheesecakes => yummy yum yum! there's a taste of heaven in every bite
    ♥net surfing => count me in ;] 100% netizen..
    ♥blackberry,corby,haptic pop => qwerty phones ^_^ i'll have you, soon you're all in my hands.. hehehe..:D
    Mbr> I hate