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    ♥ fanfic problem :[
    Wednesday, November 25, 2009 -{'5:36 PM
    dear Gods!!!! why is it, its taking me forever to write down and finish my chapter 6?! waaaaaaah!!! somebody help me :((

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    ♥ [fanfic] Special A - Unbelievable Sequel Chapter 5
    Thursday, November 12, 2009 -{'11:33 PM
    //* R & R pls..

    DISCLAIMER: Not Mine! ^_^

    Heiress. Mask

    Tokyo Skyline Suites, 18:00hrs

    Twilight covered the busy streets of Tokyo business district and car drivers are blowing their horns like crazy as the traffic on both lanes of the streets become busy. Looking over the busy streets inside the full – glass walled window, a girl with long dark blue hair, slender in body and tanned skin wearing a beautiful purple halter gown wander her thoughts. She still can’t forget how he lock her body to his, how she can still feel his warm breath behind her ears.

    The house butler knocks on her door and opened it. “Excuse me, Young Miss, the chauffer has arrived.”

    But the lady made no reply still on her wandering thoughts. Takishima Kei she said on herself. The old man who’s standing in front of her slant his head puzzled face.

    “Young Miss? Are you alright?” he asks curiously. “Young Miss?” he continued and makes his voice a little bit louder enough for her to hear.

    This snaps her back to reality; she drops a heavy sigh and turn to face the patiently waiting butler. “Hai. I’m sorry. I’ll be downstairs in 10 minutes.” she gives the old man a fake smile to hide her uneasiness.

    Knowing the fact that she will see him again made her glad and happy but at the same time the thought of seeing him again with his girlfriend made her heart want to jump out of her heart. But the urge of wanting to see that guy keeps her mind at ease, good enough to hide the green monster inside her to maintain a poised – calm composure.

    Early morning at the TAKISHIMA Manor:

    A limousine that just arrived was parked outside the mansion’s garden and the house – parlor maids gather at the entrance to greet the person inside the car. Satoru and Midori just came out of their bedroom to welcome the expected arrival of the patriarch of the Takishima family.

    “Welcome home President Kaname.” the maids said in chorus and bowed their heads.

    He just gave a low nod in acknowledgement, and then headed towards his daughter and his son – in – law. Midori hugged his father to welcome him warmly and he hugged her back, Kaname taps Satoru’s shoulder and give a slight bright smirk. He roamed his eyes around, and noticing his only two grandsons was not there. When he was about to spoke he saw Sui running down the stairs shouting happily.

    “Ojiisan!!! Ojiisan! Welcome back, Ojiisan!” Sui was waving his both hands energetically to his grandfather. When he reached the old man, they give each other a hug and a high five.

    “I’m so glad to see you Sui. You’ve grown a little.” The old man flashed a smirk to his youngest grandchild. “Where’s Kei?” he asked, he’s the only member whose not there to welcome Kaname.

    “I’m here. “ Kaname, Satoru, Midori and Sui turned their gazes at the pillar near the stairs and found Kei standing there. “So what brings you here Mr. President?”

    Silence covered the five members of the Takishima family. Kaname and his eldest grandson Kei just stared at each other. By just merely staring at each other, looks like they’re talking not in words but in their own thoughts.

    “I think I’ll answer that while we’re eating our breakfast.” Kaname led his way to the dining room.

    They ate their breakfast on the beautiful long dining table. All of the dishes were especially cooked for the old yet authoritative man who’s quietly seating and eating his meal at the host’s chair. Finally, Sui broke the silence inside the room.

    “Say grandpa, what’s with the sudden visit here in Japan?”

    “I bet, you’re not just here for just a simple family reunion.” Midori added, not in a form of question but more on stating a fact.

    “Hmmm. First, I really came here because I was invited for the launch of the YTeleComm’s newest product by the Chairman and CEO. We’ll it can’t be helped since his father and me were good friends during my practice in America.” He laughs while reminiscing the memories he spent with one of his good friends. “And, I want Kei to attend the said event, after all he’s the heir of Takishima Group and I think it’s time for him to meet the powerful man behind the success of the country’s number one TeleComm carrier.” He lifted a smirk on his face, and look at Kei.

    “I don’t think I can help you with that. I’m sorry to disappoint you president but I have an arranged activity for the whole day.”

    “If you have a date with Hanazono, don’t worry about it. I’ve arranged everything for you.”

    A vein throbbed into Kei’s temples but he remained his calm composure. “What do you mean, you’re not planning to get Hikari into trouble aren’t you?” he let his dark aura flared out, and this scares Satoru and Sui.

    “It’s not what you think, dear grandson. I also asked the same for Hanazono, by any moment now, I’ll be having her reply to my invitation.” He drops again another smirk but this time a sarcastic one.

    Before Kei could say a word, they heard the door bell rang. Sui stands up from his chair and run towards the door to see who it was. Kei threw a glare to Kaname when he heard him chuckle and say just in time. Sui opened the door and to his surprise it was Hikari.

    “What brings you here so early in the morning stupid woman?!” Sui gives her a sadistic smirk.

    ‘Stupid?!’ A vein throbs on Hikari and makes her clench her fists. ‘Did this brat just said the word stupid?!’ She starts to laugh evilly. “Hey you little Takishima—“ Dark aura flares out on Hikari’s body, she bent down to Sui’s head level and placed his two fists onto his temples. “Who do you call stupid?! Is that your proper way how to greet ‘good morning’ to people who’s older than you—“ it’s not a question.

    “Hanazono, you’re here. Have you received my invitation?” Hikari snaps from her hold to Sui’s. She heard a familiar voice, and she bents up to see who it is.

    “Ojiisan!” to her surprise. “Hai. But Why?”

    “I want Kei to attend a family friend’s business event.” He said dryly.

    “But what it has to do with me?”

    “You are his girlfriend right?” Kaname cocked an eyebrow and turn to Kei. “Of course you’ll accompany him on that party. Or should I just get my grandson another partner instead? YTeleComm’s president is convincing asking me the last time we had our phone conversation if Kei can be his daughter’s partner for th – ”

    “You don’t have say that. Whether Hikari will decline your invitation or not, I don’t want to have any other girl for that party aside from her.” Kei interrupted before his grandfather can utter another word.

    “Of course ojiisan, I will go.” Hikari grins widely. “It’s just that, it’s too sudden, and I don’t have any dress to wear yet.”

    “Don’t worry about it. As I have said earlier before your arrival, I’d arranged everything.” Kaname assured.

    Imperial Hotel, Tokyo 18:30hrs

    The infamous hotel is on its best, for the night is going to be a big night in the history of Tele Communication of the country. The façade of the Imperial Hotel illuminates like diamonds, and before the entrance, from the valet parking where the famous and rich visitors of the Yamada Company stepped down was a long luxurious red carpet. Kei and Hikari arrived thirty minutes before the event starts. Kei wears a striking tuxedo made him look more handsome that make the ladies who are still at the hotel’s valet turn all their heads. Hikari on the other hand, wears the dress prepared by Kei’s grandfather, a baby blue tube dress that exposes her bronze – skinned chest with black ribbon wrapped on her upper waist. No wonder, she is undoubtedly and beautifully stunning in every one’s eyes especially to Kei’s. Hikari and Kei really look good together, as if they were perfectly made just for each other. They head inside the hotel to where the venue of the Yamada Company event is. No wonder the event is well – planned and very elegant, from the arrangement of the sound system, decorations, foods and the program. Kei greeted some of the guest with Hikari and introduced her to them. The businessmen were so fond of Hikari, not just because she’s beautiful but also because of her wit. There are still 10 more minutes left, so Hikari decided to excuse herself to use the bathroom. As she enters it, she accidentally bumps onto someone.

    “Hey watch it!” said the girl in the purple dress as she gets herself back to balance and the girl in the baby blue dress helped her.

    “I – I’m sorry. I didn’t notice you.” Hikari said apologetically, and look at the girl if she’s alright. When she tilts her head up to see who is the girl in the purple dress was, she saw a familiar face. “Are you hurt?”

    Jin was startled to see Hikari and she didn’t respond to her question. ‘Oh my god. Of all people why her?!’ she thought to herself. “Y – yes. I’m fine, thank you.” She let go from Hikari’s hold on her arms and walk out.

    “Miss? “ Hikari asked again, this made Jin stop. “You looked familiar, have we met?” she curiously asked.

    “Huh?” a sweat secretly dropped near her ear. ‘What a stupid question coming from a stupid girl.’ Jin releases a sigh and gives a not – so – obvious sarcastic smirk to Hikari. “Yes. We met in Venice at the Venitian Carnival.”

    Venice. Venitian. Carnival. Hikari snaps, and she remembers. ‘She’s that girl!’ She now remembers the girl whom she bumped onto moments ago, was the girl Kei nearly thought was her. Mixed emotions enter her; shock, jealousy, nervousness, confusion, guilt.

    “You’re name is Hikari, right?” of course Jin would know her name, how could she forget? How could she forget the name of the girl of the man he loves? “By the way just in case you don’t remember, my name is Jin Ya$%&.”

    Hikari’s head is spinning like a top, all that register in her mind was the girl in purple dress asking her about her name and the girl’s first name. “Ha – Hai. Hanazono. My name is Hikari Hanazono .”

    “Well, it’s nice to see you again Hikari.” Not really. “But I have to go; the program will start 5 minutes from now. See you around.” No, I wish you disappear right now. Jin left immediately. Hikari get back to her official business inside the comfort room and head back again to Kei.

    Peakock Function Suite, Imperial Hotel 19:00hrs

    The party just started in time when Hikari arrived. The Emcee for the night with no further ado introduces the newest pride product of the leading TeleComm Company of the Yamada group, a high – end cellular phone with wide touch – screen and a 5.0 mega pixel camera behind it and has variety of different colorful covers. Everyone inside the function room received the newest product and jaw dropped as they saw the latest phone the Yamada Group had created. Kei and Hikari were amazed too, and they both got the same colorful stripes design.

    Ozuru Yamada is very happy seeing his guests amazed by his company’s new product. He roamed around to greet everyone until he sees his father ‘s friend grandson and the man his daughter secretly love, no other than, the heir of Takishima Group, Kei Takishima.

    “Do you like our new product? Beautiful isn’t it” Ozuro said proudly and lifted smirk.

    “Hai. Your marketing strategy is really good president Yamada.” Kei replied.

    “I’m glad you liked it. And thank you for coming to our product launch. Where’s president Takishima by the way?”

    “I’m sorry, but the president asked me to come here on his behalf and of our company.”

    “Well, it’s ok. At least, I met the famous heir of the Takishima Group. I heard so many things about you. Being the Director of 3 Takishima groups here in Japan at a very young age of yours and and being top of the class is really unbelievable, you’re amazing. No wonder, why President Kaname is really proud to have a grandson like you.”

    “Sou desu! Takishima is incredible, and ojiisan trust him a lot.” Hikari added.

    “Oh hello young lady, you must be Kei Takishima’s partner for tonight. May I know your name?” Ozuru curiously asked.

    “I – I am – I” Before Hikari utter another word.

    Kei answer Ozuru’s question in behalf of Hikari. “Arigato president Yamada. Hai, she is my partner and my girlfriend. Her name is Hikari Hanazono, we’re on the same school.”

    “Ohh. I heard you have a girlfriend from your grand –“

    “There you are president, other visitors are waiting to greet you.” Jin interrupted, then she noticed it was Kei who is his father talking to. Her cheeks flushed in deep crimson and hid her face under her long dark locks.

    “Jin. Good you’re here.” Ozuru winks an eye and lifted a smirk. “I want you to meet my father’s friend’s grandson, Kei Takishima. This is my daughter and the heiress of YTeleComm, Jin Yamada. I heard you already met in Venice.” he grins.

    And then he remembers that mistaken incident in the Mask Festival in Venice, Italy. Looking at Jin, she really has a close resemblance of Hikari he thought. “Nice to meet you again, Yamada-san.” Kei said.

    “Yamada-san? That’s too formal, you can call me Jin.” Her crimson face blushed even more. “Is it ok if I’ll call you by your given name?”

    “Hai.” Kei said dryly.

    “Hope to be friends with you and to you too, Hikari.” Jin looks at Hikari and gives a counterfeit smile.

    Hikari just nod in response, startled. A pang of jealousy hit her. Unconsciously, she didn’t notice that her fingers tightened its grip to Kei’s arm. And Kei stares at her, worriedly.

    ‘Plan number 1 accomplished.’ Jin thought, and lifted a sardonic smirk under her locks.

    To be continued…

    //* Hi! Sorry for the late post :P gawd! This chapter really took me forever. I would like to thank these people: hislips, XEnimsajX, sis Kithel for reading and supporting my fanfic and for your well, reviews ^_^ thanks guys! *sniffs* *sniffs*

    Ok, some explanation about this chapter :)

    YTeleComm’s phone – it is a type of iPhone, this phone looks more like Samsung’s Anycall Haptic Pop with colorful covers ^_^ if you’re watching Boys over Flowers, F4 and JanDi used that model, and I find it really cute.

    24 hour clock (18:00hrs; 18:30hrs; 19:00hrs) – an indication to take note of the time, since they’re attending an event ^_^ hehehe..

    Imperial Hotel – this is one of the finest and elegant hotel found in Tokyo, I think, they also have another one in Japan. ^_^ it’s huge and offers luxurious amenities.

    Peacock Function Suite – originally it’s Peacock Ballroom, this is also a part of the Imperial hotel, and this is their biggest function room that can accommodates 1000 to 3000 guests ^_^.

    Red carpet, valet parking – I added some of these, just like what you see every time you watch Oscar and Grammy awards on TV.

    Jin Yamada – the heiress with a masked on her face. She is masked because she’s hiding something under her sleeves. ^_^ what is it? Well, you’ll find it soon, but im sure you already have hints :) but one thing is for sure, she’s a bit bitchy.. hahahaha! :evil grin:

    Ja ne!

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    *part time writer on my own.(a frustrated writer, i say)
    *love to eat but dunno how to cook.(who does not love food right?)
    *i only read books that i like. (yeah, im up to chick flick thingy. i know sounds cheesy but what can i do, that makes me being ME :] )
    *KPop addicted.(though i only understand a few Hangul words and i don't really understand what they're singing, i just simply love it)
    *impulsive with a touch of stupidity in some ways.(no comment on this one :] ).

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